Jun 1, 2023
Maintaining Paint Job

The appearance of your vehicle speaks volumes about who you are as a person. In that case, what is your car currently broadcasting about you to your fellow drivers on the road? Does it boast of a put-together person with attention to detail, self-respect, and pride? Or does it scream of a slovenly someone who is negligent and sloppy??

With little regard for year, make, or model, most car owners choose to take pride in one of the bigger purchases ever made and greater possessions ever owned. That’s why you’ll always see a long line of cars at the local car wash on clear and sunny days that follow an onslaught of rain, mud, and snow.

However, there are many who choose to avoid the long lines and wait times when it comes to car washing. Some car owners prefer to entrust the condition of their prized vehicle’s chrome and paint to their own two hands, enjoying the simple pleasure of soaping and rinsing with a bucket and hose in the comfort of their own driveway. All too often, taking the time and care to hand-wash the exterior of your vehicle is a “pride thing.”

For all you proud and passionate self-washers out there, here are some do-it-yourself steps for preventing paint damage and making your ride shine like new:

  1. Limit exposure to sun. In the late spring, summer, and early fall, exposure to UV rays is the surest and quickest way to see paint color fade. If a garage isn’t available, look for a shaded area in front of your home, outside of the office, or in the parking lot.
  2. Remove ruinous elements as you find them. The following nuisances are unsightly when it comes to the overall appearance of your car, but they’re also damaging to you paint job: alkaline ash from wildfires, tree sap residue, accidental gasoline drips, acidic coffee and soda, bird droppings, and bug splatter. As soon as you notice any of the above, make sure removal is immediate (or as soon as humanly possible).
  3. Wash thoroughly once a week. Don’t wait until the dirt has accumulated and the kids have finger-traced “Wash Me” across every available, sooty surface. Make the maintenance of your vehicle’s exterior a part of your weekly routine, right up there with laundry and dishwashing.
  4. Use specially formulated car-washing products. Household cleaners, such as soaps and detergents, can damage your protective wax. Always check that the cleaner you intend to use has been formulated for the finish. You will most likely want to purchase different cleaners for exterior paint and chrome wheels.
  5. Avoid abrasive cleaning cloths and hand motions. To prevent unsightly scratches in your paint, use a soft, natural sponge or lamb’s wool mitt in a lateral motion across the panels of your car. Don’t spread and scrub soap and water in a circular motion, and don’t apply a sponge, mitt, or cloth to your finish if it has been on the ground. Sponges that have hit the deck often pick up dirt and small rocks that can scratch up a pretty paint job.
  6. Rinse thoroughly. Use a clean bucket of water, and take care not to leave any soapy residue. If you rinse directly from the hose, remove any nozzles and let a low-pressure stream of clear water rinse from top to bottom.
  7. Dry with soft towels. Water that lingers and pools on the panels of your car can leave permanent water spots. Never let your car air dry. Use a squeegee and a chamois or terry towel for a quick and easy drying process.

If you care about your car’s appearance, keeping the exterior clean and protected should be an ongoing effort—not a reactive, “once-in-awhile” task. After all, you schedule regular oil changes and tune-ups to extend the life of your vehicle’s interior elements—surely your paint job and chrome wheels deserve the same!

If you don’t mind that your car is showing signs of “getting on in age,” then by all means, let random strangers in the Wal-Mart parking lot remind you of your car-washing duties with a well-meaning memo scratched into the dust on your bumper. Or…

Take some pride. Have some self-respect. Keep that paint job both pretty and protected.